Recipes — Steak Tortilla

Steak Quesadilla Sizzle for Summer - Cuso Cuts

Steak Quesadilla Sizzle for Summer

Steak Quesadillas sizzle for summer. They make for great, one-handed food morsels. Fresh, warm, and gooey – what more could you want? Make them for lunch, for a party, as a side dish… my steak quesadilla recipe is really adaptable! Juicy meat slices, onion, lots of cheese, and loaded with flavor, yep that’s on the menu. My favorite steak quesadilla is made with a classic ribeye, which is what I use for my recipe. You can, however, use flank steak or skirt steak instead.  All Wrapped Up: The Quesadilla Shell Your Quesadilla shell is like a snuggly blanket for everything inside. But...

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